Privacy Policy

Hello friends, and welcome back to our website. I will inform you about the privacy policy of this website.

If people are still using our website, you should abide by the website’s privacy policy. Otherwise I can stop all of you. Therefore, please visit all sites on Read privacy policy.

Google AdSense 

I have placed Google AdSense ads on my website. If someone clicks on it deliberately or takes action against the Google AdSense policy, I can block it from my website
This means that no user will deliberately click on the ads displayed on our website, and we can prevent you from doing so.

Children's Privacy

This website is not suitable for users under the age of 13, so they should not visit this website. Nothing on our website is suitable for children. Because we provide information about IPTV. So it is not important to children.

Terms & Conditions

I urge you all not to make any unnecessary comments on our website.
Share website links in the right place.
If you all want to contact us, you can find the information below.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

I ask everyone not to make unnecessary comments on our website.
Share the website link in the right place.
If everyone wants to contact us, you can find the information below.
Changes to this privacy policy
We may update our privacy policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting a privacy policy on this page.
Before making changes and updating the "effective history" at the top of the privacy policy, we will notify you via email and/or important notifications about our services.
It is recommended that you check this privacy policy regularly for any changes. Changes to this privacy policy will only take effect after being posted on this page.


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